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Small People Icons

small people icons

Small People Icons depict people of various jobs, groups and family status. They are crafted in Vista style and come with or without shadows. Icons are delivered in various formats in sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 in 256 colors and 32-bit.

Google translation

Kleine Leute Icons zeigen Menschen in verschiedenen Berufen, Gruppen und Familienstand. Sie sind im Vista-Stil gefertigt und sind mit oder ohne Schatten. Icons werden in verschiedenen Formaten in den Größen 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 und 48x48 geliefert in 256 Farben und 32-Bit.

small people icons - people, boss, chief, engineer, user, users, user group, add users, check user, user info, remove user, conference, meeting, large group, party, festival, female profile, agent, client, client list, clients, client group, customers, staff, official, captain, army officer, soldier, soldiers, fireman icon
small people icons - policeman, police officer, judge, themis, hacker, security, editor, copywriter, detective, einstein, scientist, professor, historian, lecturer, teacher, student, worker, workers, builder, motor mechanic, cleaner, driver, pilot, air traffic controller, astronaut, doctor, physician, stomatologist, dentist, surgeon icon
small people icons - hospital nurse, optometrist, immunologist, cardiologist, computer doctor, druggist, search nurse, doctor info, doctor appointment, psychoanalyst, psychologist, receptionist, waitress, market woman, pizza man, japanese cook, chinese cook, barber, geisha, marketer, appointment, auditor, publicity agent, car salesman, secretary, accountant, personal loan, financier, businessman, book-keeper icon
small people icons - notary, lawyer, postman, realtor, mexican salesman, religious figure, global manager, cowboy, hunter, farmer, electrician, agronomist, decorator, singer, web designer, graphic designer, admin, programmer, computer administrator, network administrator, writer, photographer, painter, sculptor, king, queen, fool, wizard, santa claus, footballer icon
small people icons - jockey, retiree, key keeper, spy, ninja, unemployed, thief, hitman, prisoner, pirate, pirates, woman, women, blonde, female, man, men, girl, boy, children, family, pregnancy, green user, baby, tourist, hiker, coffee break, mexican, american indian, afro-american icon
small people icons - arab, uncle sam, barbarian, knight, superman, batman, clever monkey, angel, devil, alien, mummy, orc, playboy, skull, death, anatomy, sculpture, linux penguin, freebsd, robot, login, logout icon


People, Boss, Chief, Engineer, User, Users, User group, Add users, Check user, User info, Remove user, Conference, Meeting, Large group, Party, Festival, Female profile, Agent, Client, Client list, Clients, Client group, Customers, Staff, Official, Captain, Army officer, Soldier, Soldiers, Fireman, Policeman, Police officer, Judge, Themis, Hacker, Security, Editor, Copywriter, Detective, Einstein, Scientist, Professor, Historian, Lecturer, Teacher, Student, Worker, Workers, Builder, Motor mechanic, Cleaner, Driver, Pilot, Air traffic controller, Astronaut, Doctor, Physician, Stomatologist, Dentist, Surgeon, Hospital nurse, Optometrist, Immunologist, Cardiologist, Computer doctor, Druggist, Search nurse, Doctor info, Doctor appointment, Psychoanalyst, Psychologist, Receptionist, Waitress, Market woman, Pizza man, Japanese cook, Chinese cook, Barber, Geisha, Marketer, Appointment, Auditor, Publicity agent, Car salesman, Secretary, Accountant, Personal loan, Financier, Businessman, Book-keeper, Notary, Lawyer, Postman, Realtor, Mexican salesman, Religious figure, Global manager, Cowboy, Hunter, Farmer, Electrician, Agronomist, Decorator, Singer, Web designer, Graphic designer, Admin, Programmer, Computer administrator, Network administrator, Writer, Photographer, Painter, Sculptor, King, Queen, Fool, Wizard, Santa Claus, Footballer, Jockey, Retiree, Key keeper, Spy, Ninja, Unemployed, Thief, Hitman, Prisoner, Pirate, Pirates, Woman, Women, Blonde, Female, Man, Men, Girl, Boy, Children, Family, Pregnancy, Green user, Baby, Tourist, Hiker, Coffee break, Mexican, American Indian, Afro-American, Arab, Uncle Sam, Barbarian, Knight, Superman, Batman, Clever monkey, Angel, Devil, Alien, Mummy, Orc, Playboy, Skull, Death, Anatomy, Sculpture, Linux penguin, FreeBSD, Robot, Login, Logout

Google translation

Leute, Boss, Chief Engineer, User, Benutzer, Benutzergruppen, Benutzer hinzufügen, Check Benutzer, Benutzer-Info, Remove user, Konferenz, Meeting, große Gruppe, Party, Festival, Männlich Profil, Agent, Client, Referenzliste, Kunden, Client-Gruppe, Kunden, Mitarbeiter, Amtsblatt, Kapitän, Offizier, Soldat, Soldaten, Feuerwehrmann, Polizist, Polizei, Richter, Themis, Hacker, Sicherheit, Redakteur, Texter, Detective, Einstein, Wissenschaftler, Professor, Historiker, Dozent, Lehrer , Student, Arbeitnehmer, Arbeiter, Builder, Kfz-Mechaniker, Cleaner, Driver, Pilot, Fluglotse, Astronaut, Herr Doktor, Arzt, Zahnarzt, Zahnarzt, Chirurg, Krankenschwester, Optometrist, Immunologe, Kardiologe, Computer Arzt, Apotheker, Krankenpfleger Suche , Doktor info, Arzt Termin, Psychoanalytiker, Psychologe, Rezeptionistin, Kellnerin, Marktfrau, Pizza Mann, Japanisch kochen, chinesischen Koch, Friseur, Geisha, Marketer, Termin, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Publicity-Agent, Autoverkäufer, Sekretär, Buchhalter, persönliche Darlehen, Financier, Kaufmann, Buchhalter, Notar, Rechtsanwalt, Postman, Realtor, mexikanische Verkäufer, religiöse Figur, Global Manager, Cowboy, Jäger, Bauer, Elektriker, Agronom, Dekorateur, Singer, Webdesigner, Grafikdesigner, Admin, Programmierer, Computer Administrator, Netzwerk-Administrator, Schriftsteller, Fotograf, Maler, Bildhauer, König, Königin, Narr, Wizard, Santa Claus, Fußballer, Jockey, Rentner, Key Halter, Spy, Ninja, Arbeitslose, Thief, Hitman, Prisoner, Piraten, Pirates, Frau , Frauen, blond, Mädchen, Mann, Männer, Mädchen, Junge, Kinder, Familie, Schwangerschaft, Green Benutzer, Baby, Touristen, Wanderer, Kaffeepause, Mexikaner, Indianer, Afro-Amerikaner, Araber, Uncle Sam, Barbar, Ritter , Superman, Batman, Clevere Affen, Engel, Teufel, Alien, Mutti, Orc, Playboy, Skull, Death, Anatomie, Skulptur, Linux-Pinguin, FreeBSD, Robot, Login, Logout

 Beispiels-Icons und Katalog downloaden

 Dieses Icon-Set jetzt für 39.95 EUR kaufen!


  • Bildgrößen: 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 Pixel
  • Dateiformate: ICO, PNG, GIF, BMP
  • Icon-Varianten: normal, hot, disabled
  • Anzahl der Bilder: 172
  • Preis: 39.95 EUR

    Icons kaufen - small people icons

    Icons downloaden - small people icons

    Über Small People Icons

    Small People Icons is a rich-colored set of toolbar icons displaying various people. These icons define a person's occupation, family status, social group and gender. Also the set has a collection of icons depicting hands. All the icons shine with a bright palette of colors creating distinctive and eye-catching appearance. They are crafted with such a skill that will become an essential part of any project aiming to score a success.

    These fine icons are ready-made, so you can get them right away as you order them. No time spending, no expensive design artists, but still the best possible result - adorable icons. Icons come in variants with and without shadows. They are delivered in ICO, PNG, GIF and BMP formats in sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48. The set has two color solutions: 256 colors and True Color with semi-transparency. Take full advantage of these attractive icons to embellish the toolbar of your software. People Icons for Vista will make your project stand out.

    Aha-Soft plans to release the next icon packages also: Small Icon Package, Sport Icon Package, Website Icon Package, Development Icon Package, Education Icon Package, Game Icon Package, Music Icon Package, Building Icon Package, Internet Icon Package, School Icon Package.
    Über Small People Icons
    Google translation

    Small People Icons is a rich-colored set of toolbar icons displaying various people. These icons define a person's occupation, family status, social group and gender. Also the set has a collection of icons depicting hands. All the icons shine with a bright palette of colors creating distinctive and eye-catching appearance. They are crafted with such a skill that will become an essential part of any project aiming to score a success.

    These fine icons are ready-made, so you can get them right away as you order them. No time spending, no expensive design artists, but still the best possible result - adorable icons. Icons come in variants with and without shadows. They are delivered in ICO, PNG, GIF and BMP formats in sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48. The set has two color solutions: 256 colors and True Color with semi-transparency. Take full advantage of these attractive icons to embellish the toolbar of your software. People Icons for Vista will make your project stand out.

    Aha-Soft plans to release the next icon packages also: Small Icon Package, Sport Icon Package, Website Icon Package, Development Icon Package, Education Icon Package, Game Icon Package, Music Icon Package, Building Icon Package, Internet Icon Package, School Icon Package.